Annotated Medicine and Device Lists

Procaine benzylpenicillin

This medicine is present in:

This medicine is present in:

List Section Observation
Colombia. "Listado de Medicamentos del Plan de Beneficios en Salud con Cargo a la UPC" 2016 Listado de Medicamentos del Plan de Beneficios en Salud con cargo a la UPC Others observations:

This medicine is present in:

List Section Observation
WHO Model List of Essential Medicines (2021) 6.2.1. Access group antibiotics Others observations:
Procaine benzylpenicillin is not recommended as first-line treatment for neonatal sepsis except in settings with high neonatal mortality, when given by trained health workers in cases where hospital care is not achievable.
Haiti. National List of Essential Medicines 06.02.01. Beta-lactams Others observations:
Benzyl PNC Procaine is not recommended as first-line therapy for the treatment of neonatal infections except in situations where neonatal mortality is high. It is then administered by qualified health personnel if the hospitalization is impossible.
Belize. National Drug Formulary 06.02.01 Beta Lactam medicines No observations
PAHO Strategic Fund Medicine List 2.1. Antibacterial No observations

This medicine is present in:

List Section Observation
WHO Model List of Essential Medicines (2021) 6.2.1. Access group antibiotics Others observations:
Procaine benzylpenicillin is not recommended as first-line treatment for neonatal sepsis except in settings with high neonatal mortality, when given by trained health workers in cases where hospital care is not achievable.
Peru Penicillins No observations
Haiti. National List of Essential Medicines 06.02.01. Beta-lactams Others observations:
Benzyl PNC Procaine is not recommended as first-line therapy for the treatment of neonatal infections except in situations where neonatal mortality is high. It is then administered by qualified health personnel if the hospitalization is impossible.
Belize. National Drug Formulary 06.02.01 Beta Lactam medicines No observations
PAHO Strategic Fund Medicine List 2.1. Antibacterial No observations

This medicine is present in:

List Section Observation
Mexico. Cuadro Basico de Medicamentos - 2017 06. ENFERMEDADES INFECCIOSAS Y PARASITARIAS No observations

Information Resources: Procaine benzylpenicillin

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