List | Section | Observation |
Trinidad and Tobago. Pharmaceutical Ven Listing 2019. Ministry of Health. | Protective And Rescue Agents | No observations |
List | Section | Observation |
Suriname. NGK-C-011 | 8.3 Cytotoxic agents: Antidotes | No observations |
List | Section | Observation |
Ecuador | Essential Medicines List - Ecuador | No observations |
List | Section | Observation |
Peru | 8.2 Cytotoxics | No observations |
List | Section | Observation |
Barbados. Barbados National Drug Formulary (BNDF) | 92.12 Antidotes | No observations |
Cayman Islands Health Services Authority Pharmacy Drug Formulary | Drugs for cytotoxic-induced side-effects | No observations |
List | Section | Observation |
Cuba. Cuadro Básico de Medicamentos 2018. Ministerio de Salud Pública. | CUADRO BÁSICO DE MEDICAMENTOS 2018. Ministerio de Salud Pública. | No observations |
List | Section | Observation |
WHO Model List of Essential Medicines (2021) | 8.2.1 Cytotoxic medicines | No observations |
PAHO Strategic Fund Medicine List | 3.2. Cytotoxic medicines |
Others observations: Limited supply options (normally, none or only one supplier identified / prequalified); may result in longer delivery times. |
Haiti. National List of Essential Medicines | 08.02 Cytotoxic and adjuvant drugs | No observations |
List | Section | Observation |
Barbados. Barbados National Drug Formulary (BNDF) | 92.12 Antidotes | No observations |
List | Section | Observation |
Cayman Islands Health Services Authority Pharmacy Drug Formulary | Drugs for cytotoxic-induced side-effects | No observations |
List | Section | Observation |
Jamaica. List of Vital Essential and Necessary Drugs and Medical Sundries for Public Health Institutions. 2015 | 08.08 ADJUNCTS | No observations |
El Salvador - 2019 | OTROS PRODUCTOS TERAPÉUTICOS | No observations |
List | Section | Observation |
Colombia. "Listado de Medicamentos del Plan de Beneficios en Salud con Cargo a la UPC" 2016 | Listado de Medicamentos del Plan de Beneficios en Salud con cargo a la UPC |
List | Section | Observation |
Chile. Formulario Nacional de Medicamentos. 2005 | 07.01. CITOTOXICOS O ANTINEOPLASICOS | No observations |
List | Section | Observation |
Chile. Formulario Nacional de Medicamentos. 2005 | 07.01. CITOTOXICOS O ANTINEOPLASICOS | No observations |
List | Section | Observation |
Chile. Formulario Nacional de Medicamentos. 2005 | 07.01. CITOTOXICOS O ANTINEOPLASICOS | No observations |
List | Section | Observation |
WHO Model List of Essential Medicines (2021) | 8.2.1 Cytotoxic medicines | No observations |
Barbados. Barbados National Drug Formulary (BNDF) | 92.12 Antidotes | No observations |
Cayman Islands Health Services Authority Pharmacy Drug Formulary | Drugs for cytotoxic-induced side-effects | No observations |
List | Section | Observation |
WHO Model List of Essential Medicines (2021) | 8.2.1 Cytotoxic medicines | No observations |
List | Section | Observation |
WHO Model List of Essential Medicines (2021) | 8.2.1 Cytotoxic medicines | No observations |
PAHO Strategic Fund Medicine List | 3.2. Cytotoxic medicines |
Others observations: Limited supply options (normally, none or only one supplier identified / prequalified); may result in longer delivery times. |
Peru | 8.2 Cytotoxics | No observations |
Ecuador | Essential Medicines List - Ecuador | No observations |
Jamaica. List of Vital Essential and Necessary Drugs and Medical Sundries for Public Health Institutions. 2015 | 08.08 ADJUNCTS | No observations |
Costa Rica. Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social. 2019 | 50. Misceláneos | No observations |
Chile. Formulario Nacional de Medicamentos. 2005 | 07.01. CITOTOXICOS O ANTINEOPLASICOS | No observations |
Suriname. NGK-C-011 | 8.3 Cytotoxic agents: Antidotes | No observations |
Haiti. National List of Essential Medicines | 08.02 Cytotoxic and adjuvant drugs | No observations |
Barbados. Barbados National Drug Formulary (BNDF) | 92.12 Antidotes | No observations |